Thursday, 13 July 2017

Top Excuses You Should Never Give for Not Joining Helping Hands

*Top excuses you should never give for NOT joining Helping Hands*

While it is ok not to like networking since a lot of people have given up on it and still don't understand it so they tag it as a scam, below are top excuses you should never give for not joining Helping Hands.

1. *I DON'T HAVE MONEY!* On the contrary this is the major reason you should join. Not having money to get better is a means for the devil to keep you financially handicapped for life. By simply coming out clean in most beginners groups of Helping Hands, you might just be lucky to find a sponsor who can pay for you till you start earning. Let your will to succeed over ride the devil's plan to submerge you in the pit of poverty here on earth. Charity work is for the rich at heart.

2:*I DONT HAVE TIME* :: Tu fiakpa! Don't say it again! We have hard working professionals controlling their stage 3 boards very well. We have mothers with plenty kids and another one on the way in stage 4. We have bankers who do H2i along side and they are making it. You have a good example in the writer of this note. You watch club matches of 90 minutes every now and then, you chat endlessly at work, on your bed, in the bus, and you play games on your phone and still say you don't have time????? Common, I made it to stage 4 even in my spare time.

3::: *WHO WILL I TALK TO? I'M NOT GOOD AT CONVINCING PEOPLE*: Not everyone is, but the best of us learnt it over time. I know a fact that is true, introverts make the best teachers because they cool down and explain logically. Extroverts are too hazy in teaching, they assume you should know everything even before they start teaching you. So while you may think that you're a shy person and you're not eloquent hence you can't convince people, try and learn the skills and you will marvel at how magical anyone can be good at it.

4. *The People Doing it are jobless* this is a very wrong thought to have gone through you mind. If you have ever thought about people in Helping Hands as being jobless, you need to apologise. We have hard working professionals using helping hands as a vehicle to cater to others while they are in turn rewarded for everything they do.

5. *Helping Hands is not for me*

More are coming

DM Ademola Oguntona

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