Saturday, 15 July 2017

How to Convince Your Prospects to Join Helping Hands or any other Networking Plan



*1. *Know the right things to say*

They call it Unique Selling points in marketing. The reason you want to sell something as the seller of products or service is your unique selling points; for example Helping Hands offer Humanitarian services, Financial services, trade and skill acquisition and scholarship services. You will be very much on point, if you can explain those services with voice notes, examples and pictures. Use everything you know to hit your point home. Don't say too much if you don't know too well. Say only as much as you know and can defend. Highlight all your USPs and make sure you don't leave any point behind.

*2. *Who is talking?*

Research has shown that to everything that is being said, 3 subjects come into play and in this order. 

(1) Who said it? .....Subject

(2) How did he/she say it? ...manner

(3) what did he/she say.........Object

Observe that number 1 is the most important followed by number 2. Observe that what is being said is not as important as the first two. You need to add value to yourself so that your words can have same value as you. Our words weigh just as much as we do. Your reputation, integrity and trust is the value you must protect jealously. Integrity, Trust, and a good reputation are the world's most wanted principles right now since corruption and doing anyhow is the order of the day. People respect you more when they learn that you're not like them. Now how did the person say it? Don't you like what you have been reading? See the sequence at which i'm putting them forward, see the mechanics of punctuation, see the flawless spellings, see the sense i'm trying to draw, feel the wise sayings.

Doesn't it show the kind of person I am? A detailed person will read this and try to know more about what more we can do together.  You need to TALK/CHAT reasonably, sensibly and intelligently. Those are the things people of value would appreciate about you before they can decide to do business with you or join your team. The way you put forward your words, ensure is like a master chef would do; make it palatable.

Cook your words like a really delicious food palatable to eat. Avoid saying ehhmm ehhhmmm when you talk. Try and put some swag into how you talk. "Toosh" things up a little bit and you are on your way to attracting good members. The way you talk is the kind of down lines you will attract. Don't talk anyhow, do your findings to gain more confidence. Pre- meditate on your words and first listen to yourself; then others will listen to you

*3. *Psycho-Analyse your prospects*

This is me. I know people from 100,000 miles away. I can tell you who you are by what I read from you. The way you chat, what you chat, how you chat and every detail. I know who will join H2i and who will not. I know who will go far in networking and who will not. I have a link on how you can quickly detect good members who will go far here::::

Don't waste too much skills and time on those who will not eventually join. You need speed to talk to a large number of people so you can increase your conversion rate. Some people follow up on stubborn prospects for years but me, I don't have that luxury of time. Why must I beg people to do what will benefit them? By doubting what am trying to tell someone and the person does not believe I feel irritated already. I feel you think I don't know what am saying so I leave you to YOUR SUPER HIGHER INTELLIGENCE while I work towards my stage 4.

*4. *Do not be anxious for anything*

Do not be anxious for anything, only make your supplications known unto God. Desperation and anxiety is a no no in convincing people. Playing "FBI or CIA" on people just because you want them to join Helping Hands can be annoying. 

Give people space but follow up sparingly once in a while. Give yourself time to succeed in H2i. People chat me to say "How long will it take me to get to stage 4"? I simply say that depends on who you have been before you join H2i. If you have been successful at other things before H2i, tendency that you will succeed in it is high because success is a chain reaction. So also is failure too. When someone tells me he has done MLM before and didn't do well in it, I pack my fliers and training papers on to the next one. I don't bother myself. Success or failure is easy to detect by people from the way you talk. Demoralised people can hardly sell anything. Enthusiastic people can sell anything. An example of a highly enthusiastic person in my group is Genny. Just pray that God should make a way for you in any decision you make and you'll be fine even if the decision is not to join H2i.

*5: *Give people options*

In my team, we have come far enough to give people various options i.e coming in with 3 accounts or 7, asking them to bring people if they want to be registered free, assisting them by putting some members under them till they get their footing, encouraging them to open their Fanpage all these will make a prospects decide faster maybe to join or not to join so you can also fail forward faster to win to stage 4.

*6: *Set them up for success*

Set them up. I do promos to bring people out of their shell. I threaten to remove them from my group if they aren't yielding, I work so they love being in the group, I motivate them, I train, I do everything I can think of to make my prospects join by force by fire. After they have been pushed to join, they start doing wonders and signing people en mass, then they thank me and wish me well. I set prospects up for success

*7. *Be Influential*

A lot of my members now write wonderfully that I get shocked and jealous some of their write up matches up with mine. That is influence. Good quality of a good leader. To convince people you have to prove you can do it. You have to display the aura that with or without them, you will get to where you're going which is stage 4 and beyond. I hope with these few words of mine, I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that you too can do it; convince others to empower others. Thank you

H2i Double Minister Ademola Oguntona

Chief Motivator First Advance Business Class

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Top Excuses You Should Never Give for Not Joining Helping Hands

*Top excuses you should never give for NOT joining Helping Hands*

While it is ok not to like networking since a lot of people have given up on it and still don't understand it so they tag it as a scam, below are top excuses you should never give for not joining Helping Hands.

1. *I DON'T HAVE MONEY!* On the contrary this is the major reason you should join. Not having money to get better is a means for the devil to keep you financially handicapped for life. By simply coming out clean in most beginners groups of Helping Hands, you might just be lucky to find a sponsor who can pay for you till you start earning. Let your will to succeed over ride the devil's plan to submerge you in the pit of poverty here on earth. Charity work is for the rich at heart.

2:*I DONT HAVE TIME* :: Tu fiakpa! Don't say it again! We have hard working professionals controlling their stage 3 boards very well. We have mothers with plenty kids and another one on the way in stage 4. We have bankers who do H2i along side and they are making it. You have a good example in the writer of this note. You watch club matches of 90 minutes every now and then, you chat endlessly at work, on your bed, in the bus, and you play games on your phone and still say you don't have time????? Common, I made it to stage 4 even in my spare time.

3::: *WHO WILL I TALK TO? I'M NOT GOOD AT CONVINCING PEOPLE*: Not everyone is, but the best of us learnt it over time. I know a fact that is true, introverts make the best teachers because they cool down and explain logically. Extroverts are too hazy in teaching, they assume you should know everything even before they start teaching you. So while you may think that you're a shy person and you're not eloquent hence you can't convince people, try and learn the skills and you will marvel at how magical anyone can be good at it.

4. *The People Doing it are jobless* this is a very wrong thought to have gone through you mind. If you have ever thought about people in Helping Hands as being jobless, you need to apologise. We have hard working professionals using helping hands as a vehicle to cater to others while they are in turn rewarded for everything they do.

5. *Helping Hands is not for me*

More are coming

DM Ademola Oguntona



This is the first hurdle that comes to mind immediately you joined a network marketing plan such as Helping Hands. Your mind begins to race back and forth...... "How do I convince others" ??? While nobody is a witch or wizard at convincing others, some are truly gifted at it while others just can't see themselves doing it so they think they've lost their registration money.

Why are some people good at convincing others while others are not? Below are the reason I think can be the problems and the insight to surmount them and be a guru too if you're willing.

*1* *You're not convinced yourself

You may have joined with N6,600 or N19,800 or N46,200 or even N100,000 but if you don't have that inner assurance or conviction why you are doing helping hands, just one question from a prospect like "are you sure this is real"??? and you may be thinking you have made a wrong decision by joining. 

You're not sure of the reason you're doing it. You know there is possibility of benefiting a lot but you don't know how you can ever get lucky by convincing just one person. Being sure of what networking is and its advantages and how people doing it are forging ahead will give you the confidence to talk to anyone about it. I'm not talking about seeing other people's *Helping Hands car* before that inner conviction wells up in you, i'm talking about your "why" for registering and discovering other people's "why" also. 

By telling others why they should be doing this, you will close more registrations deals than ever before. An example of a good reason to be doing this is because of the opportunity to bring out the best leadership skills in you. 

*2* *You don't know what and what to say

When we come across a wonderful thing, we feel happy telling our friends, while that state of excitement is very necessary to convince a prospect, you may be forced to say some things that will underscore your campaign than convert the prospect. An example of some wrong things people say is "come and join *this thing for N6,600* and they will give you a car. Every human being is intelligent in their own right. The person you're telling to bring N6,600 to get a car without telling him what it entails would just be thinking "how is this possible"?? N6,600 to get a car must be a scam.

*Helping hands is a charity organisation that incorporates network marketing into its reward system. What they do is for members and non members alike. You are expected to build a team of other enthusiastic people like you to grow from stage to stage in order to earn*.........

This above makes the topic so clear leaving less questions in the prospect's mind. *Avoid anything you know that when you say it, it'll raise a lot of bothering questions in the mind of the person you're talking to*

(You too don't you like my brief explanation?)

*3* *You don't believe you can

There is no teacher for anyone who would not learn. There is nothing anyone can do, once you don't believe you can do something by yourself with minimal motivation and guidance, *it is finished* the story can not continue. The person has by him or herself put a full stop to his journey even before starting.

You must first believe in yourself as a human being. You must believe in yourself in God. If someone believes in you, and you don't believe in yourself, there is little or nothing the person can add to your bottom line. You are ok even if the whole world does not believe in you but you believe in yourself, but you are not if everyone believes in you but you don't believe in yourself. *its a sorry case* dont let it be you.

*4* *Not Knowing the game theory of large numbers*

The theory of large numbers is the mathematical secret to success.The theory of large numbers is what Lord Jesus was explaining with the parable of the sower. Desired results only come when you work with a large number of samples of data. You can't just talk to 5 people about helping hands and expect all 5 people to join. The probability you will convince one person is very low.

We can use what God has created to understand how heaven works. God could have done it in such a way that men have one spermatozoan at every given time. But millions of spermatozoa are released during each intercourse because large numbers of spermatozoa are needed for *one* to fertilise the egg in life.

*You need to talk to a lot of people before you can easily convince one person*

By talking to just 10 different people in a week and expecting all 10 of them to join your teamis unrealistic and *can lead to frustration*

*there is no way you will talk to 100 people by saying the right things that you will not convince more than 5 good prospects* Success requires you talk to a lot of people before you can succeed.

This is the theory of large numbers, the more people you talk to and the more time you allocate in talking to them, the better your chances are at convincing them.

To be continued

*DM Ademola Oguntona*