Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Why you should think like a woman to succeed in H2i

*Numero uno* Be Human, Be woman!

Women present themselves as beautiful. What makes a man or woman beautiful? Courtesy and open minds. Even if you're a man, you need to put up your beautiful self. You have to be androgynous. Act as both male and female. Greetings and willingness to please should be your major target. 

You have to be seen as someone that shows empathy, you have to be sociable and hospitable. Being hostile and rigid can make the most beautiful woman look ugly when you eventually get nearer but being open, warm, caring, courteous, sociable and *witty* can make anyone beautiful when you get closer to them.

Hello sir, hello ma, smilies, how is your family, how was work today, 😊 bla bla bla; can make you seem beautiful to people who do not know you from afar and are meeting you for the first time. Prospecting online is better because it's a plain field for all, young and old, male and female. I won't lie, I put up my wife's picture as my whatsapp dp sometimes to check the difference between male and female approach and believe me no difference. You just need to be soft spoken and tactful. Women are tactful and witty so I emulate them. I will explain tact and wits later.

*Number 2* Concentrate on the present

This should have been number one to me. Women have a deep sense of responsibility especially the married ones with children. So they are more passionate. They need the growth they can get to cater to their family. "Oh my children"! "Oh my husband"! They do it passionately out of the *love* they have for their family. 

The male hardware does not really care as deep as the woman, in as much as the man can borrow and provide for the immediate, he thinks he's fine. Men get easily distracted. I have gone to cut my hair early one evening around 7pm only to discover the "male" barber has abandoned his shop to go and watch football. A woman may also have other interests like Telemundo, but they would have made sure they have done all they need to do so that they can concentrate on that Telemundo and immediately after that, they get back to work.

*Number 3* Gain trust by appealing with the truth

Why do people trust women more? Because they feel they are weak and can not hurt them so they lay down their guard. When two women are talking intimately, you will hear one telling the other the truth and saying "Trust me" I hear my wife say it a lot so I also adopt it.

I am a psychologist. If there's anything anyone is doing to achieve results, I try to copy it!
The truth is consistent. When people lie to achieve what they want, there are some things they say, that might negate others later they might have forgotten.

I use the phrase "the truth is that....." a lot when I want to answer some prospects delicate questions so they can feel relaxed. It is believed that if you constantly pin point the truth, then you have the capacity to always say the truth. Even here, you read me sometimes when I say "the truth is that....." You can't give what you don't have. The truth will reveal itself with time. 

If the person you told one truth finds out just one thing is false about what you have said even if the other 99 things are true that person may want to use that only one thing against you and all that is required is time. One way to avoid this is do not say what you can not defend at any time line.

According to Robert Green's 48 laws of power. The 12th Law. Use selective honesty to disarm your enemy. Please open your mind, there is no enemy or victim in this case, but I use this law to influence people to do what I want them to do since I mean no harm. Tactful women are good at this.

*Number 4* ????

Tact and wit as displayed by women. I love this.  A woman will not tell you some things if she's not sure how you'll take it. So she sees the end of every conversation from the beginning, she brainstorms to see where or what you're driving at and if you're obscure and not direct she brings you to focus by asking you "reverse questions".....lol

What are reverse questions, they usually start by "are you now saying........" "please what are you driving at?" she might even be a bit pre-emptive by saying "what you're saying now is that......."...lol. 

Being tactful is being intelligent enough not to reveal your weakness or ignorance. The cosmetics and make over is a defence of what lies beneath. Now a woman would ask, how are all these applicable? What are you driving at Demola? What am saying is that, always read between the lines of what someone is saying. Practice the art of listening. If you want to offend a woman, pay less attention when she's talking or pick only what you want to hear by doing selective listening and you will hear it. Be witty when you converse with people whether by chat or voice. Know where they are going or what they are driving at so that you can know how to channel you questions to get the right results.

*Number 5* Go Beyond Borders

Women have no ceiling: they sell the best options. If possible, if you can bring N10 million to register all your local government people into helping hands pls bring it that is how a woman thinks, while some men will just be talking N6,600 and pitying people that have big money to help and empower others.

A few women has asked me if Dollars were available for N2,000,000. I said yes! You have to think like them.

I can count the number of men that have cut deals in H2i above one million. But women, countless.

Men lose focus easily. It's called Attention deficit Disorder (ADD) and it started when men were boys and not today so it's lot harder to change now as adults. We love to play than to give ourselves to active study. Women on the other hand are like postage stamps, they stick to the envelop till it gets to the destination. Focus is key to every journey. 

*Number 6* Seduce

Master the art of seduction. God has naturally given women what men will see to attract them. Those things all lead to a particular place and it's meant for reproducing another of ones self. All the other things you do should attract people to you.

A careful study of my Facebook Fanpage will reveal the kind of person i am to you and the write ups I have there makes some people just go out of their way to contact me saying "Hello, are you Mr Ademola?" I have been reading your fanpage and I want you to tell me what this helping hands thing is about. And so like a woman, I will tell you i'm busy and do shakara well well before I give you all you need. I know you don't have anywhere else to go and I know what I have to give so, I do my shakara carefully. The art of seduction is carrying people away from their normal way of life to follow you; only that this time towards a path that will be a win win to both parties.

Since where you're leading them is a path of wellness and prosperity, then you're fine. A lot of people seduce for wrong reasons and it works for them so why can't I use the same concept to make people better? One way to escape temptation is to give in to it. I offer great options you can't resist.

The flowery scents attract insects to fertilise the ovary. You want more down lines sebi, then you must make yourself attractive even as a man. Thank you. This is just my thoughts ladies and gentlemen. It's how I see things, right or wrong you may agree or disagree but that was how I got to stage 4. I went from spinster to mother of many down lines.

Minister Ademola Oguntona

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