That is another reason to be in Helping hands.
You will get all these little little experiences about how to start from inside. It's all in the mind I tell you.Most of our leaders in politics especially before now we're not rich from inside that's why they loot and engage in corrupt practices thereby jeopardising the future of even the *unborn*
So many big houses in Abuja built with questionable money. The houses cause artificial scarcity for people living there yet nobody lives in the big ones built just to tie down looted funds.
Even the ones who get ahead faster in Helping Hands are those who were first rich inside.
*I can spend 2 hours teaching about what it means to be rich inside*
Being rich inside is about how many truths you've fed yourself with over a long period of time. Part of the truths you practice and is already part of you. Being rich inside is about having the right *content*
Let me give you an illustration;More like a revelation
You see, every spermatozoan has the head (Acrosomal sac) and a tail (flagellum). You see, the only spermatozoan than eventually fertilises an egg is the one that has the most concentration in the acrosome (head) and as such it swims faster and more intelligently to the egg. This concentrate in the head of the spermatozoan is not different from the content we carry as adults.
What you want to do if you want to fertilise any egg in any field is to feed yourself with more content than any other spermatozoan in that field.
When you pick up a jar or pack of juice, they say it's rich in vitamins. You have to be rich with content from inside first. That is the easiest way to cut through competition and challenges is using the truths you have inside. It is the content you have, that made you feel the need to join Helping hands in the first place. Most people who lack content will not join. If you first look for people who are rich from inside, your conversion rate will be easier and faster. A poor mind cant simply understand why you must give to get more. He would rather hold on tight to the little he has. It's about content. The truth is consistent.
I don't need to be a pastor to share the truth I have studied in the past. I don't even read again sef 😀😀 the skills am using now are from books I read in my final year and while serving and when I was looking for a job. The bible teaches "Study to show thyself approved unto God; a workman rightly dividing the truth without shame."
You will not know how to make other people join you in h2i if you've not taken time to study and fill yourself with the truth to practise!It starts from inside. Slowly, gradually.
Then you start breaking grounds and marvel at yourself how far you have come.
Have you done things that even you, will say "wow". it's easy for those who know how.
Life can be miserable if you don't have the right content to succeed in your chosen business. Very miserable. You will just be crying inside.
Only 2 things you can do.
1. Seek divine assistance in so far your intention is genuine
2. Study. Imbide the truth. Marry it. Then practice what you have learnt.
Be willing to fail more at what you practice. Learnt fast. Unlearn fast and you will succeed!
😂😂😂 People under-estimate their abilities too much. If only you knew what God has designed in you. Devil sef will fear you!
Only think of yourself as being great. Thinking anything less is undermining what God has put into you or designed through you.
Ah han you too check it now. How can someone that God formed, who had the right content among million of others (when you didn't know yourself) say you can't get to stage 4 or make it in anything that you put your hands into?.
God sef that created the design which is you may not be happy sef. You can do *all* things. Just pray for the strength and skills to be able to do it.
A giant is not the one to beg to be brave, it's a rat or cat. You don't have to believe me. But there is a giant in everyone. The problem is, only you and God can bring it out.
No matter how good a doctor is, if you're sick and you approach the doctor, the first thing the doctor will ask you is "how are you feeling?" or "how is it doing you"?.
They have not made the Medical software or machine that will tell the doctor accurately how you feel.
They've not born that doctor that will just give you drugs without asking you what is wrong with you
It must start from inside. How do you feel from inside? Rich or poor? Only you have the answer. Thank you
Double Minister Ademola Oguntona